Let's save the whales!

2022-02-20 12:48 AM  Ended 

A new collaborative report from WWF and partners published recently provided the first truly comprehensive look at whale migrations and the threats they face across all oceans, highlighting how the cumulative impacts from industrial fishing, ship strikes, pollution, habitat loss, and climate change are creating a hazardous and sometimes fatal obstacle course for the marine species.

As a result of these hazards, six out of the 13 great whale species are now classified as endangered or vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, even after decades of protection after commercial whaling. Among those populations most at risk is the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, a species that migrates between Canada and the United States. It is at its lowest point in 20 years – numbering only 336 individuals.

Saving whales and ensuring the preservation and growth of their global population should be one of the top priorities for the ocean conservation world in the next decade.

Let's work together and come up with innovative and effective ways of protecting these magnificent mammals!

Take part in our Save the Whales Ideation Mission and tell us what is your big idea! And remember, every idea counts!

Learn more and read the full report here


